Why do you feel proud to be a woman?
In light of International Women's Day, I decided to do a photo essay on women, specifically asking the question: why do you feel proud to be a woman? On a day-to-day basis, women are subject to low wages, demeaning phrases, and unequal rights. However, these things don't define women, and how they view themselves. Here are 10 women, and why they're proud to be one.
Iris Xie
"I'm proud to be a woman because of all my friends who I admire and are women. They are so intelligent and kind and I've never met anyone as unique or strong like them."
Katie Stolze
"I'm proud of being a women because women are breaking boundaries everyday in society. It makes me proud to be able to say I have a connection to that women. I am proud that I can show guys that I can play sports and hopefully will change their perspective on girls playing sports. I am mostly proud of the change I can make and the people I will be able to affect in the future."
Lillian Nemeth:
"I'm proud to bring empowerment to others that maybe not feel empowered, and I'm proud that I can be a part of an active movement to bring forward women's rights."
Talia George-Karron
"I'm proud to be a woman because of the women who inspire me through their writings, their songs, and their art. It's because of them that I get to enjoy life every day."
Elena Liao
"I'm proud to be a woman because of the intelligence and hard work of women I admire. I think it's incredible that I am able to look up to women who have broken boundaries to get where they are today."
Nicole Horio
"I'm proud to be a woman because of the common understanding that we have to stick together to fight for what's right, and to support each other throughout our lives."
Rachel Schonbaum
"I am proud to be a woman because I am proud of all the achievements of the women before me and all the achievements of the women after me."
Florence Almeda
"I'm proud to be a woman because of the history of women and how far we have come. Because of all the women before me, I'm able to have a career in anything I want, and get the opportunity to excel at it."
Sophie Hinerfeld
"The leadership positions I take make me proud. Often I think whether in a conversation, a club, or company woman are not as expected to step up but I find I feel most proud of myself and my work when I embrace leadership and help other girls find their footing as well."
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