
Showing posts from March, 2016

Social Justice in the Midst of Chaos

On March 11th, 2016, Trump's rally at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago got called off. However, it was only because the event became extremely nasty and violent due to an overwhelming amount of hate from both Trump's supporters, as well as his protesters. Here are some photos of those who took a firm stand without having to resort to violence.

Social Justice on City Walls

social justice (noun): the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities Chicago is known for depicting its history and struggles through murals all over the city. Many of these murals deal with themes such as freedom, justice and equality. Bringing to light social issues, these murals are hard to miss and in a way become a crucial part of the neighborhood and community which they are part of. Sírvales - Jeff Zimmerman ((the right to receive an education)) Increíbles Las Cosas Q'Se Ven - Jeff Zimmerman ((roots of the immigrant community - the right to have equal opportunities)) Unknown ((the fight for equal opportunities)) Wall of Hope - Yollacalli Arts Reach ((the fight for equal rights and opportunities)) Gulliver en el pais de las Maravillas - Jonathan Swift ((breaking free from societal restrictions and barriers)) Unknown ((the right to equal education opportunities...